June Campaign Update
About our campaign: I'm running for Okanogan PUD Commissioner because I think it's time for a change. For decades, Okanogan County’s been relying on others for our energy. We don’t generate any of our own power. This means we are subject to rate increases and power shortages that are outside our control.
Even after spending millions to expand high-speed internet, too many of our PUD customers still can’t get connected. We pay higher rates than others around here but get less in return.
We deserve better.
The Okanogan PUD Commission is a nonpartisan board that makes critical decisions that affect our homes and businesses. As commissioner, I’ll push for solutions that truly benefit our PUD customers, keep our energy reliable and affordable, and get more folks connected to the high-speed internet they need.
Here are my priorities:
Ensure reliable energy: We shouldn’t keep paying more for energy that is less reliable and outside of our control. I will work to secure the energy resources we need for the future on our own terms.
Preserve affordability: As a working mom, I feel how the rising cost of living impacts families. Too many people in our community work hard, but still struggle to pay their bills. I commit to stronger oversight of the PUD’s budget and programs, and will work with community based organizations to help PUD customers save money on their energy bills.
Invest in our communities: If elected, I will work to create energy and construction jobs here in Okanogan County making our grid more efficient and resilient to wildfires, securing the energy resources we need to thrive, and helping customers make energy improvements to their homes and businesses.
Connect people to high-speed internet: We shouldn’t have to choose between outdated technology and unaffordable costs to connect. As commissioner, I will work with internet service providers to connect more people to the PUD’s high-speed network, and access state and federal funds to expand access in unserved and underserved areas.
Mark your calendars! We have a four-way race for Okanogan PUD Commissioner District #2! This means we’ll have a district-wide primary election in August. Our district stretches from the Methow to the Okanogan - from Pateros to Mazama, Brewster to Okanogan, and everywhere in between. If you live in the district, here are the key dates:
July 19th: Ballots in the mail.
July 29th: Last day to return electronic or mail-in voter registration
August 6th: Primary Election and last day to register to vote in-person at the Okanogan County Elections Office
November 5th: General Election (top two candidates from the Primary)
Yard signs are coming! Thanks to your generous contributions and the help of talented and creative volunteers, we believe we will have the BEST yard signs you will see this campaign season… Get yours starting Monday! Request a yard sign here.